©Razmik Amirkhanian

©Razmik Amirkhanian

Contemporary issues in environmental philosophy, anthropology media studies, and artistic practices

Organized by the ASOF task force “Environmental arts and humanities” with NUACA

Marie-Aude Baronian (media scholar, Amsterdam), Anna Barseghian (artist and curator, Utopiana Geneva), Talinn Grigor (architectural historian, San Francisco), Nina Hovnanian (arts historian, Yerevan), Philippe Huneman (Philosopher of science, Paris), Stefan Kristensen (Philosopher, professor University of Strasbourg), Armen Marsoobian (philosopher, USA), Emma Harutunyan (Associate Professor, NUACA)


Philippe Huneman (Philosopher, Paris)

Stefan kristensen(Philosopher, Strasbourg)Marwan Moujaes (artist and researcher, Strasbourg) Olivier Pestiaux (artist and philosopher, Brussels) Patricia Pisters (media scholar, Amsterdam) Umut Yildirim (anthropologist, Geneva)

Thursday July 18, 4pm-8pm

Welcome and introduction words: “Place-based thinking and creating. A Proposal for Research in Environmental Humanities for Armenia”, S. Kristensen

”Thinking the right of nature through artistic practices”, Olivier Pestiaux

Presentation of the project Constellations: “Rhythms and Writings, Revealing Singularities and Multiplicities”, O. Pestiaux (moderator: M. Baronian)

Friday July 19, 4pm-8pm

“On Friendship and the Earth”, M. Moujaes (moderator: S. Kristensen)

”War-torn Ecologies”, Umut Yildirim, (moderator: A. Barseghian)

Saturday July 20, 4pm-8pm

”Elemental Media”, P. Pisters (moderator: M. Baronian)

”Thinking about Life”, P. Huneman, (moderator: S. Kristensen)